Why do people end up with Chronic pain?
A lot of times people stop moving after straining or injuring themselves. When we reduce movement in part of our body our brain map for that part also shrinks. Tissues need the lubrication of movement bringing fluids which remove toxins and maintain functionality. This process sets the stage for flare ups and chronic pain. Rolfing works to start bringing hydration and mobility back to soft tissues while simultaneously reawakening awareness and connection to this part of our body. By creating a safe and controlled environment to start to explore movement we can break the cycle and start a new path with less pain and greater functionality.
Our nervous system also has a big part to play in chronic pain. Learning how nerve signals can become amplified over time to reinforce our experience of pain was an important piece of understanding in my own journey out of chronic pain and set me on the path of trying to retrain my nervous system. This is slightly outside the scope of Rolfing but I am always happy to share my experience in case it might be helpful to others. I will also share information resources for people at the bottom of this page as I think of or find them.
Why is Rolfing® so effective at addressing chronic pain?
Healthy, free, and easy articulation up through the pelvis and spine is an important part of sustainable movement, and is critical for avoiding unwanted tension in the head and neck, among many other potential issues. Unfortunately ease of movement through the spine depends on a functional and mobile base of support from below. Restrictions in the feet and legs can effect distant and seemingly unrelated structures elsewhere in the body, which is why manual therapies that only address a localized area of pain often have fleeting results. Rolfers understand what all the pieces of truly, free, healthy, and efficient movement look like and how to facilitate them. When you take part in a 10 series, you have the benefit of someone with a thorough knowledge of anatomy and how to address restrictions of movement taking the time to work systematically through your entire body. Once we improve the ability to move, we can start the process of developing awareness and understanding of how different movement patterns may be effecting your body. Greater understanding of best movement practices can empower you to recognize triggers and adapt postural and movement habits to break the cycle of immobility and pain.
Let's get to work and see what Rolfing can do for you!
For more information call: 825.439.4186 or Send me a message!
Information Resources for Chronic Pain
I believe part of why our medical system so often fails people with chronic pain is that it is not treated as the dynamic biopsychosocial phenomenon that it is. Here are some resources I found which might help to empower people to better understand and manage or even overcome their pain.
This is an episode of a podcast called Science Vs. which provides easily digestible overviews of scientific research around various subjects with supporting citations provided in the show notes.
This is a paid app which I have not used. It focuses on the psychology of pain and how it can be used as a tool for management.
When it comes to chronic pain, everyone has a unique story to tell. But when it comes to the fears, doubts and struggles around pain, we all have much more in common. Join hosts Alan Gordon, LCSW (Founder of the Pain Psychology Center) and Alon Ziv as they respond to the experiences of real chronic pain sufferers and provide techniques based on the latest neuroscience to help listeners overcome chronic pain.
Another science podcast interviewing pain researcher Dr. Rachel Zoffness. This is more general information as opposed to focusing on tools for pain management but still helpful for understanding.